Saturday, May 30, 2009

Just a joke...hahaha

A girl always ask a boy why he love football..sound like jealous with football cause the boys much need football than her..then the boys,with BUNKFACE reply

"Football never hurts boy hearts but girl always do it"

so for all girls..this is the reason..stop asking!!!hahaha

Friday, May 29, 2009

Kalah final..

Aku sebagai salah seorang die hard fan MUFC mmg sedih thp kronik peringkat ke-18 skang..shit pya Etó ngn Messi..haha..bru ak tau cmner rasa fan chelsea taun lps...
bgus gk kot MU klh..klu x fan dia asyik sonok mmg salute player barca ni..sbb dia tim kesygáan ak kna syur..CR?hahahahahahahhahaha...nk pndh pndh la..wlupun ak mmg ska dia tp cm bsn lak ngn telenovela yg trcipta sbb dia ni..hahaha...ok ak nk g tngkn dri yg tgh hmpa nk terbabas smbil dgr lgu we are the loser..choww...